ARJ 77
Vol. 23, No. 2
Issue 77: April 2016
The Defense Acquisition Research Journal (ARJ) is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal published by the Defense Acquisition University (DAU). All submissions receive a blind review to ensure impartial evaluation. Articles represent the views of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the DAU or the Department of Defense.
View as PDF 4 Articles in This Journal
The High Flying Leadership Qualities: What Matters the Most?
Like many U.S. companies, the Department of Defense (DoD) invests in leadership development. The DoD recognizes equal benefits and has insti-tuted various programs to enable it. Not every DoD organization does so to the same degree, however.
Metrics-based Risk Assessment and Management of Digital Forensics
Digital forensics risk (digital evidence assessment subject to given standards) is managed and quantified using a risk meter algorithm for calculating risk indices.
Catalysts of Military Innovation: A Case Study of Defense Biometrics
This article examines the catalysts of military tech-nology innovation, using a case study of defense biometrics.
#eVALUate: Monetizing Service Acquisition Trade-offs Using the Quality-Infused Price© Methodology
This research proposes a method to leverage the use of subjective service quality in both selecting contractors and managing their performance.
Defense Acquisition Research Journal
Vol. 23, No. 2
Issue 77: April 2016