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DAU offers three types of International Coaching Federation (ICF) based Coaching programs:

  1. Leader as Coach
    • 90 minute brownbag, half, or full day action learning. Learn how to leverage some practical coaching skills and tools to engage and empower your colleagues to improve individual and organizational performance.
  2. Team Coaching
    • Learn and implement coaching skills and tools over 90 days to enhance team dynamics, increase leadership capacity, and improve acquisition outcomes.
  3. Executive Coaching
    • The target audience is 06/GS-15s, GO/FO/SESs in MDAP/MAIS/ACAT 1 or PEO Key Leader Positions. The length of the coaching engagement can last up to 12 months. Participation in this program is on a case-by-case basis.

For additional information, contact our DAU Coaching Champion at: [email protected]

Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Executive Coaching

DAU provides executive coaching to key defense acquisition workforce leaders. The target audience is 06/GS-15s, GO/FO/SESs in MDAP/MAIS/ACAT 1 or PEO Key Leader Positions. The length of the coaching engagement can last up to 12 months. Participation in this program is on a case-by-case basis.


In FY2009, DAU launched an initiative to train and qualify a cadre of experienced acquisition practitioners to serve as executive coaches. Using a refined, proven coaching model/process, we’ve continued to train and qualify 58 internal coaches, who have engaged over 360 defense acquisition workforce (DAW) leaders and received great results and feedback. To complement this one-on-one and team coaching, our leadership development courses, including our Leader as Coach course, have reached over 5,500 leaders and supervisors. These collective efforts emphasize the responsibilities of each leader to develop, coach, and mentor members of their workforce, while creating a long-term culture change, future business successes, and a learning enterprise.

Executive Coaching Program Overview:

Coaching at the executive and supervisory levels offers leaders a powerful one-on-one and team assist to expand their capacities to impact and make a difference with their programs, people, organizations, environments, and with themselves with the intent of producing significant results and improving acquisition outcomes. Through a coaching relationship, leaders commit to:

- Signing an agreement with a DAU executive coach and engaging in frequent coaching conversations
- Creating an Extraordinary Future for programs, people, & self
- Charting and understanding stakeholders
- Conducting a 360 feedback assessment
- Developing, implementing, assessing, and renewing strategies and actions toward achieving their Extraordinary Future

Target Audience: Key Leaders in major defense acquisition programs and services. Coaching Engagement: Monthly face-to-face, bi-weekly phone calls; 6 to 9 months. The Leader’s 100%: Design & Implement an Extraordinary Future.

The Coach’s 100%: Thinking/Being Partner, sounding board, nudge manager.

Results (Coaching ROI: Delivering Strategic Value Employing Executive Coaching In Defense Acquisition, Alphronzo Moseley, 2011)

Top performance improvements:

Top business results:

  • Strategic communication
  • Increased personal and workgroup productivity
  • Change implementation
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Stakeholder relationships
  • Increased resources
  • Leadership/people interactions
  • Reduced cycle time
  • Increased organizational efficiency

Return on Expectations/Investment (ROE/ROI): Non-Financial: 3.3 or 330%; Financial: 754%

On-line, post-coaching survey results are 6.72 on a scale of 7 (max satisfaction/ impact). Specific survey results include: “coaching improved my acquisition outcomes” – 6.13; and “coaching improved my leadership capacity”- 6.73; “I would recommend coaching to colleagues” - 6.93.

For additional information, contact our DAU Coaching Champion at [email protected]